
To read and write are fundamental skills, which we take pride in developing at Prince’s Mead. All children are given the chance to develop the necessary skills to use the English language confidently, appropriately and accurately to the best of their ability. Access to a wealth of resources including interactive whiteboards, kindles, laptops and books enhance this.

At Prince’s Mead drama activities are widely used to provide opportunities for speaking and listening, ensuring the children are confident when presenting to an audience. Assemblies, productions, competitions and the opportunity for extra-curricular lessons enhance the children’s opportunities to perform.

In Years 5 and 6 English is taught in sets by subject specialists. Children are prepared for 11+ Common Entrance and other Senior School Entrance Examinations through a rigorous and challenging curriculum.

In essence our course ensures all our pupils:

  • Develop the necessary skills to use the English language confidently, appropriately and accurately to the best of their ability.
  • Have the confidence to speak clearly, fluently and coherently.
  • Learn to listen to the spoken word attentively and respond intelligently.
  • Are able to read a wide range of materials fluently and with understanding for enjoyment and for information.
  • Are able to write neatly, fluently and legibly for a range of audiences and purposes using spelling, punctuation and syntax accurately and confidently.
  • Achieve the highest of possible standards to ensure they transfer to senior schools of their choice.


Miss Abigail Fecher BA Hons, Head of English – Key Stage One

Mrs Gillian Jones BEd Hons, Head of English – Key Stage Two