1st July 22
As Headmaster, it is one of my great privileges to see the culmination of years of investment in our children paying dividends and this year is no exception. I must congratulate each and every Year 6 pupil being awarded entry into the senior school of their choice – an array of 13 different schools this year. I am also delighted to announce 12 scholarships have been awarded to our Year 6 leavers from a number of senior schools and ranging from academic awards to sport, and the performing arts. The standards that our pupils consistently achieve year on year never fails to impress not only our teaching staff but the senior schools we feed. I remain immensely grateful for the standards set by our teaching staff and the consequent advances that each pupil makes under their stewardship. We look forward to celebrating all these accomplishments at our Speech Day at the end of term.
The culminating point following the musical festivities of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee concert and Glastonbury has to have been our Prince’s Mead Summer Ensemble Concert that took place on Wednesday evening. With stunning solos, instrumentals, and choir performances, all those enjoying this magnificent spectacle witnessed music at its best in our Prince’s Mead community. There is a special benefit from learning a musical instrument as a young child and my thanks must go to Miss Williams and her very talented team of peripatetic music teachers for the immense work they undertake in inspiring our children.
Prince’s Mead is an extraordinary community, and over this year I have been reminded on so many occasions how supportive our parent community is. Just this week it has been a genuine pleasure to meet with our Class Representatives, welcome a number of grandparents through our doors for tea, meet with prospective parents and welcome new Reception families through our doors in advance of September. On Monday evening, the PMA meets for a final time this academic year for its AGM where you are all so welcome. Before that time, I shall be dusting off the canvas for a second weekend, this time to support the Year 3 campout this evening – we pray they shall all sleep soundly!
Mr Peter Thacker