What a busy week we have enjoyed. On Monday it was most encouraging to see HRH The Duchess of Cambridge emphasising to our young people the importance of staying healthy both on the inside and outside as part of Mental Health Week. We have been reminding pupils that it is okay to not feel okay all the time. Together we can help by having conversations often and letting children know there’s always someone there if they ever need to talk.
There has been a firm focus on culture this week, whether celebrating Chinese New Year and the Year of the Pig, Year 2’s Pirate Day, Year 5 visiting Medina Mosque or Year 6 touring Parliament and Shakespeare’s Globe. We are indebted once again to our local MP, Steve Brine, as he spent time with pupils as he showed them around the Palace of Westminster.
There has been a healthy focus on future schools this week with our ‘Way Forward’ meeting for Year 5 parents as they begin to embark on an exciting journey of senior school choices for their children. It was a privilege to visit Sherborne Girls’ School this week to meet their new Headmistress, Dr Sullivan and to meet once again with Mr Julian Thould, Headmaster of King Edward VI, when he visited Prince’s Mead last week. I remain utterly committed to promoting the school’s strong relationships with some excellent senior schools and opening up new opportunities in the process in support of our pupils.
It was a pleasure to welcome Mrs Sue Savory to Friday Prayers this morning to follow up on our focus on Safer Internet Day on Tuesday. As the County Computing Advisor to Hampshire she imparted a wealth of experience and advice not just to our pupils but also to those parents that stayed for the parent workshop thereafter. Internet safety will continue to remain at the forefront of our Digital Learning programme.
Congratulations to our Sports teams this week on some stunning results. Representing Prince’s Mead at the Winchester District Sports Awards last night, I was again reminded of the value of sport in bringing communities together and fostering a healthy spirit of competition that benefits young people in so many ways. What a pleasure it is to witness this on a daily basis with our pupils; no matter what their sporting ability.
Wishing you all a very happy weekend – I do hope you manage to keep your toes dry.