Eco-School Distinction

11th September 24

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded distinction in our latest Eco-School Green Flag assessment, recognising our exceptional commitment to environmental sustainability and education.

“We are thrilled to receive distinction in this internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning” said Jemma Chinappen, Green Team lead and Head of Science at Prince’s Mead. “This award reflects the hard work and dedication of our pupils, staff and the wider school community in promoting environmental stewardship. It is a proud moment for us and a significant milestone in our Eco School journey.”

Since we joined the Eco-School programme in 2023, the Prince’s Mead Green Team – a group of pupils from across the school dedicated to promoting sustainable practices – has been working hard to foster an eco-friendly environment at the school.

Key initiatives that contributed to Prince’s Mead earning the Green Flag include:

  1. Partnering with a School in Uganda – Prince’s Mead is partnered with Central High School in Kabale, Uganda, which caters for vulnerable children who lack clothing and bedding and have to walk to fetch water from a distance. Pupils recently sent a donation package of uniform and wrote ‘pen pal’ letters to the Ugandan children.
  2. Plant-based food options – the Princes’ Mead school catering team provides plant-based food options every day for pupils and utilises seasonal vegetables, salad, and herbs grown by the RHS accredited Gardening Club.
  3. Recycling – pupils are encouraged to recycle by bringing in their used bottle lids, bottles, cardboard, copper wire, and paper to repurpose into wheels, rockets, Papier Mache, and electrical projects in their Design and Technology workshop.
  4. Community Litter Picking – litter pickers are available for pupils to borrow and litter pick in their local community.
  5. Outdoor learning – pupils learn about conservation and nature during their weekly outdoor learning sessions. From making fat balls to feed the birds through the winter to taking part in the RSPB’s Big Schools Birdwatch, every day is different as the environment creates new learning opportunities with the ever-changing seasons.

We are currently planning to expand our eco-friendly initiatives and have just appointed a full-time Forest School lead who starts in January 2025. Head of Prince’s Mead, Adam King, said “This achievement would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and commitment of our Green Team. Situated on the edge of the South Downs National Park, Prince’s Mead is surrounded by beautiful countryside and we owe it to future generations to educate our pupils and the wider community on how to protect those ecosystems and learn that however small their actions may be, that it can make all the difference to the world we all share.”