19th November 21
It was great to see so many of you at the Bonfire and Fireworks evening last weekend and a real privilege to come together as a community. Thank you to all those who worked so hard together, ensuring that the event ran so smoothly, especially to the PMA and our Estates team. I am also immensely grateful to our team of willing parents who serve tirelessly on the PMA whilst clearly having great fun too. I extend my gratitude to our Parent Reps too. We are always very grateful for your valuable feedback across the breadth of areas of school life as we continue to work tirelessly as a community to make Prince’s Mead an even more magical place for our children.
Our Music Department is a hive of activity at this moment in time, as rehearsals and practices take place in preparation for one of the most exciting periods in the school year. Choristers, musicians, dancers and actors, supported so inspirationally by their talented teachers, are working tirelessly to ensure that that our forthcoming performances, concerts and Christmas services are truly memorable for all. Witnessing children perform so intrepidly on the stage or elsewhere is always one of my most uplifting experiences as Headmaster and I am sure that your hearts too will be lifted by all that is in store.
It has been a busy week for our Year 6 pupils as they have encountered examinations, interviews and pre-tests for their future schools whilst displaying characteristic determination and maturity in approaching such milestones. I am conscious from my future school meetings too that you, as parents, journey with them through these stages, and I want to assure you of our commitment as a school, to enable them to reach those specific goals, whilst flourishing within the rich variety of wider opportunities that are available to them at Prince’s Mead. I hope that against the backdrop of Remembrance Sunday last weekend, our children will remember that they are so much more than an exam outcome but individuals who can and do make a positive impact upon the world. Thank you for all that you do to teach your children to think of others and be outward looking.
What this week has shown is that whatever the sport, assembly, trip or activity, Prince’s Mead children certainly are multi-talented!
On a staffing note, Mr Ray Curtis has announced his retirement at the end of this term after 13 years of bus driving for Prince’s Mead. I know we look forward to thanking him in due course for his extraordinary service to the School community.
Wishing you a very happy weekend.
Mr Peter Thacker