8th November 19
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.
It was a great privilege to welcome Mr Pete Maidment, Chaplain of Lord Wandsworth College, to Friday Prayers this morning ahead of Remembrance commemorations over the next few days. It is so important to remember and to be thankful for those men and women in the Armed Forces who served in both World Wars, and also for those who serve and have served across the world in more recent years. Despite the uncertainties we face in today’s political climate, we are immensely fortunate to live in a peaceful time where our children do have their whole lives ahead of them. It is always heart-warming to witness our children reflecting this as they show acts of kindness to each other, serving one another, putting others ahead of themselves and wearing their poppies with pride. I am also very grateful to our staff and school community for the way in which they set this example as they serve the school. It will be a privilege to host our local branch of the Royal British Legion at Prince’s Mead this weekend after Sunday’s local service of Remembrance.
It was heartening to hear news trickle in over the half-term break from our pupils achieving great things. Particular congratulations must go to Stanley Vaughan and George Atkinson who made it to Paris on their epic cycle ride. In some ways I sense they got off lightly with eight punctures, four crashes and a few hours riding after dark where they recounted ending up deep in a remote forest at one point. I’ve not been able to fathom whether this was part of the plan! A remarkable journey for a remarkable charity and true character building stuff, where they raised £4,500; over 600% of their target. Congratulations must go to our Year 5 climbers too who scrambled up Helvellyn on our final day before half-term. Whilst the blood, sweat and tears left on the side of this rugged mountain will fade, the collective memories of all those involved will stay with them for many year to come. A terrific adventure.
On the staffing front I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Hugh Fox, who succeeds Mr Roddy Wirgman in the role of Transport and Clubs Manager. Hugh lives locally and has four grown up sons who have all been through prep school. Whilst we thank Roddy for his service in this often challenging post, he looks forward to his new role behind the wheel of one of our minibuses. We also welcome back Mrs Shamima Meah, one of our highly valued Teaching Assistants, who has returned today from Maternity Leave.
We look forward to the Bonfire and Fireworks display this evening and thank you to our amazing PMA for all the hard work in preparing this evening’s event from building that huge fire to organising the stalls that the children so enjoy.
Mr Peter Thacker